Ehime Mt. Ishizuchi

A 1,982 meter high mountain in the western part of the Shikoku Mountain Range, Mt. Ishizuchi is actually made up of three distinct peaks: Mt. Tengu, Mt. Misen and Mt. Nansenpo. It is an important object of worship and one of the major centers of Shugendo. The mountain is well known as the location where a famous Shugendo monk, Kukai, trained himself. Because of this, there are four sets of heavy iron chains leading up to the summit of the mountain. Visitors can enjoy the three hour climb to the peak of the mountain, and take in the natural scenery on the way to the top.

Basic Infomation

  • Address
    Komatsu-cho Ishizuchi, Saijo-shi, Ehime
  • Website
    Click here

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